Guided meditations, original articles, interviews, and Dhamma talks by Bhante Punnaji (a work in progress)
Guided Mettā and Karunā Meditation:
Follow this guided meditation by Bhante Punnaji to develop the feeling of universal love (mettā) and compassion (karunā) to experience the resultant selfless happiness (muditā), and tranquility (upekkhā ). It would be helpful to read the article, “The Four Sublime States,” and take in the slide series in the visual guide before beginning the guided meditation.
The Four Sublime States: Mettā, Karunā, Muditā, and Upekkhā
This article describes the Buddha’s teachings on the four sublime states of mind:1. Universal Love or Loving-kindness (mettā), 2. Compassion or Empathy (karunā) 3. Selfless Happiness (muditā), and 4. Tranquility (upekkhā).
A visual guide to mettā, karunā, muditā, and upekkhā
This meditation is not an intellectual repetition of a “mantra” but one of practicing visualization while developing warm-hearted feelings as one progresses slowly with adequate pauses. This visual presentation will help practitioners experience the states of muditā and upekkhā after mettā and karunā.
The Scientific Basis of Buddhist Meditation
A transcription of a Dhamma talk by Venerable Madawela Punnaji at a meditation retreat in Edmonton, Alberta (1995).

The Philosophy of Vesak
Venerable Mahathera Madawela Punnaji

Karaniya Metta Sutta chanting
Venerable Mahathera Madawela Punnaji